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Photo of Ricardo Valenzuela Payán Mexico

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Ricardo Valenzuela Payn was born in the city of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico., A November 11, 1975. At an early age develop skills in painting and drawing, the sources Primary School where he made illustrations for his school and participating in contests being won several times. With the limited orientation continues to express his life, until finally making studies in the Technological Institute of Sonora. From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the University of Sonora's career in Business Administration,...
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39.37 x 39.37 in
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Ricardo Valenzuela Payn was born in the city of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico., A November 11, 1975. At an early age develop skills in painting and drawing, the sources Primary School where he made illustrations for his school and participating in contests being won several times. With the limited orientation continues to express his life, until finally making studies in the Technological Institute of Sonora. From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the University of Sonora's career in Business Administration, always taking his side the paint and getting to know different teachers have been teaching them to refine their techniques ms. The 2000 is a significant year in the life of Ricardo, with the race ended, a wife and a son, and with more time to paint, so passionate about watercolor allowing you to paint in less than 4 months about 30 works and going on to sell more than half. With enthusiasm and tenacity continuous studying and books watercolor painting on land issues has been growing. The 2003 takes the opportunity of studying a visual arts nivelacin, titulndose automatically at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. He has exhibited his work individually and collectively in various public spaces and private. From 1994 to date has exhibited at the International Festival Dr. Alfonso Ortiz Tirado in the City of Alamos, Sonora. Her works are in private collections ypblicas in different states of the Mexican Republic, United States, Canada, Alaska and others. Its activity is significantly shared teaching art history classes, photography, art and creativity, plastic arts, college ITSON, Superior and its normal private studio. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: From 1994 to 1999 imparticlases drawing and painting at the cd. Navojoa, Sonora. From 1994 to 2004 has provided advisory mural, poster and painting at the College of Bachelors of State of Sonora, where ganalgunos contests. From 2002 to 2008 Contina being catedrtico Technological Institute of the subject of sound art and creativity. The 2007 ImpartiClases in Photography, Art History and Alternative communication in artistic Educacin graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Hermosillo. The 2007 Cursla imparticin CERTIFICATION as a designer and specialty courses in Drawing by known standards. CULTURAL PROMOTION: From the year 2000 to date, is part of comitPromotor of Culture of the city of Navojoa, in the category of plastic arts. Since the year 2000 to date is part of the site ecomuseum Tehuelibampo in the category of plastic arts. SAYS the criticism? Portal: INTERNET. http://wwww.elyazul.blogspot.com/2008/01/ricardo-valenzuela-payn-acuarelista.html http://www.arkisanchez.blogdiario.com/tags/Alamos./ http://www.elyazul. We could say that Payn blogspot.com/2006/03/las-acuarelas-payn-y-snchez-luna-en-el.html is a painter of scenes as Campirano has captured the atmosphere and Roma clida ntico regional environment. Melancholic spirit pushes her to seek solitary houses, doors, abandoned, ruined places and lonely landscapes. His compositions are simple and realistic and the colors are a prolongation of the land itself. Its soft and romantic style, is seen in everyday scenes painted in the light of day. The shadows of his works tell us an artist's predilection for the tones morning trying to capture the Intrinsic effects of light in the field. Surrounds the rustic scenes of light and the background tends to capture a pale blue that extends to infinity. Lombardo Ramirez Ros, Anthropologist and writer.

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